Ibn Khaldoun Journal For Studies And Researches

Online-Issn No :
Print-Issn No :
Subject :
Social Sciences, general
Language :
Publisher :
Ibn AlArabi center for culture and publishing
Country :
Palestinian Territory
Status :


Journal Description


It is a refereed Palestinian scientific journal, issued every month. It is concerned with publishing research, studies, book reviews, summaries of master’s theses and doctoral theses in the humanities and social sciences. It also publishes master’s and doctoral theses in their numbers. It follows normal arbitration conditions and imposes affordable fees, and provides free consultations to new researchers. In order to put them on the path of scientific research and knowledge production, with the help of some scientific research experts in the Arab world. <!-- p-->

Journal title :
Ibn Khaldoun Journal For Studies And Researches
Printed version :
Electronic version :
Publication frequency :
Access :
Publisher's Url :

Volume 1
Volume 10
Volume 2 Issue 5 Issue 6 Issue 7 Issue 8
Volume 3
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 8
Volume 9