Abstract :
Diabetic Polyneuropathy is one of the most common troublesome microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus. It is nerve damaging disorders which are result in metabolic as well as vascular degeneration of neuron resulting in impaired nerve conduction. In Ayurveda, although there is no direct correlation for Diabetic Polyneuropathy but the basic Most of the symptoms mentioned under purvaroopa and upadrava of Prameha such as pada daha, padasuptata, and shoola similar to diabetic Polyneuropathy symptoms. Pathology behind it is can be studied under madhumeha upadrava caused by Avarana janya vata prakopa. Hence in diabetics, prevention and management of Polyneuropathy is of utmost importance. This condition is well managed by Ayurveda with effectively and less cost. Materials and Methods: It is a clinical study with pre- test and post- test design conducted in single group. Rasayana Vati was given in a dose of 500mg 2 tablets twice in a daily for a period of 8 weeks. All the patients were followed up for a period of 4
week and assessment was done on the basis of subjective criteria (NSS and MNSI).
The change in the values before and after treatment were assessed by the paired‘t’ test. Statistically highly significant result was
obtained in NSS (89.86%), MNSI-A (64.69%) and MNSI-B (71.69%). Discussion: Rasayana vati provide symptomatic relief in Diabetic Polyneuropathy by rejuvenation and energizing of peripheral nerves. It possesses the property of Rasayana, which act on Agni (Digestion and Metabolism) Srotas (Micro-circulation&Tissue perfusion) and Mana (Mental Competence). This property of Rasayana vati break down the pathogenesis of Diabetic Polyneuropathy, which is result in reduces the symptoms of Diabetic Polyneuropathy.
The alternate hypothesis Rasayana vati is effective in the management of Diabetic Polyneuropathy is accepted and null hypothesis stands rejected.
Keyword :
Diabetic Polyneuropathy, Rasayana vati, Rasayna , NSS, MNSI.